6/29/2021 3:09:19 AM SEC Commissioner: Boards need to focus on ESG By Doug Davison SEC Commissioner Lee spoke today about the challenges public company boards are facing in terms of stakeholder engagement on ESG issues,...
6/28/2021 10:55:13 AM EU Council and Parliament adopt climate law By Sara Feijao Both the EU Council and the Parliament have adopted the EU climate law so now we just need to wait for it to be published in the Official...
6/25/2021 1:51:19 PM UK government urged to publish detailed net zero strategy urgently By Sara Feijao The UK government’s climate advisers, the Committee on Climate Change (CCC), have published yet another very damning report indicating...
6/25/2021 1:25:30 PM FTSE Russell threatens to remove over 200 companies from FTSE4Good indices for climate reasons By Sara Feijao According to the Financial Times, FTSE Russell has given over 200 companies 12 months to meet tighter climate performance standards or...
6/24/2021 1:14:03 PM UK: FCA consults on TCFD-aligned climate disclosures for standard listed companies By Sara Feijao On 22 June 2021, the FCA published two consultation papers with proposals to extend reporting in line with the recommendations of the...
6/24/2021 11:45:15 AM UK: ESG and debt capital markets By Catherine Wade FCA seeks views on ESG topics in capital markets On 22 June 2021, the FCA published two consultation papers with proposals to extend...
6/23/2021 3:26:03 PM To B Corp, or not to B Corp By Sara Feijao Iyes Igiehon Certified B Corporations (B Corps) are businesses that meet specified standards of verified social and environmental performance, public...
6/23/2021 9:14:56 AM SEC Commissioner raises questions about adding to ESG disclosures By Doug Davison Republican SEC Commissioner Elad Roisman spoke to the National Investor Relations Institute on Tuesday about the SEC's consideration of...
6/22/2021 3:55:18 PM EU SFDR RTS - revised timing By Sara Feijao Jesus Elguea Palacios The European Commission was expected to adopt the pending Regulatory Technical Standard (RTS) under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure...
6/21/2021 9:40:10 AM ESG, German football and antitrust law - where is the connection? By Kaan Gürer Dorothee de Crozals We are currently in the midst of the UEFA Euro 2021, a time which reminds us of great football players and the many unforgotten wisdoms...
6/18/2021 4:16:49 PM Belgian federal and regional governments condemned by the Brussels Court of First Instance for negligent climate policy By Charlotte Peiffer Xavier Taton Lieve Swartenbroux Guillaume Croisant +1 more... Show less In April 2015, the NGO Climate Case (the “NGO”) lodged a lawsuit against the Belgian federal government as well as the governments of the...
6/18/2021 2:17:56 PM Modern Slavery Act: New offences proposed By James Marlow A Private Members' Bill (the "Bill") has been introduced to the House of Lords with a view to amending the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015...
6/18/2021 9:37:40 AM UK Infrastructure Bank open for business By Jessica Hargreaves The UK Infrastructure Bank Ltd (“UKIB”) has today, 17 June 2021, officially opened its doors at its headquarters in Leeds. The UKIB,...
6/17/2021 1:36:47 PM UK struggling to keep pace with climate change impacts, says the CCC By Sara Feijao Described by Mark Carney as "sobering reading", the latest advice from the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) to the UK government on...
6/17/2021 1:36:31 PM U.S. states weigh in on climate change initiatives By Menaka Nayar As the Biden administration continues to ramp up efforts to address climate change at the federal level, numerous U.S. states are...
6/17/2021 9:23:14 AM Polish citizens take government to court over failure to ensure climate security By Marta Szrajer Wojciech Kobylinski Five Polish citizens, supported by ClientEarth, have filed individual climate change lawsuits against the Polish government for its...