7/31/2023 12:47:10 PM Contracts for Difference: update on UK Government policy for CfD AR6 By Justine Hung Jessica Hargreaves Gitanjali Shankar Francesca Matthews Richard Coar +2 more... Show less As noted in our previous articles on upcoming announcements on the UK’s Contract for Difference scheme (“CfD”) (see here and here), the...
7/31/2023 12:44:34 PM An Update on the Celtic Sea Floating Offshore Wind Programme By Justine Hung Jessica Hargreaves Gitanjali Shankar Francesca Matthews Richard Coar +2 more... Show less The Crown Estate, together with the UK Government, has provided an update to industry ahead of the opening of the fifth leasing round for...
7/28/2023 8:00:42 AM EU: Final version of Sustainable Batteries Regulation has been agreed By Julia Voskoboinikova Negotiations on a proposal for an EU Regulation on sustainable batteries have finally concluded and the Regulation will now be published...
7/28/2023 7:28:00 AM Sexism in the City: new inquiry looking at barriers faced by women in financial services By Laurie Ollivent The Treasury Committee has launched a call for evidence (snappily entitled Sexism in the City) in relation to barriers faced by women in...
7/27/2023 1:58:45 PM New podcast: "greenwashing" vs "greenhushing" - lessons learned and practical tips for Asia businesses By Sara Feijao In the new podcast series - Running the greenwashing gauntlet: exploring the litigation and regulatory risks - members of our...
7/27/2023 12:10:41 PM Irish Government announces major interconnector expansion By Hannah Foley Maryam Adamji The Irish Government has announced plans to develop up to five new power interconnectors to mainland Europe and the UK. In particular,...
7/27/2023 8:58:46 AM EU Green Bond Regulation: new podcast on EU green bond label and taxonomy alignment By Erin McKeown Julia Bhatti In this podcast series, we explore in bitesize format various aspects of the EU Green Bond Regulation. Listen to our second podcast here...
7/26/2023 5:33:01 PM Will “say on climate” votes soon be mandatory in France? By Pierre Tourres Benoit Martin Before suspending its work for the summer recess, the French parliament has debated the introduction of a mandatory “say on climate”...
7/26/2023 2:53:16 PM UK High Court confirms that climate-related derivative action against Shell cannot proceed By Sara Feijao Wilma Rix Two separate UK court judgments in recent days have rejected claims that directors had failed in their duties because of their handling...
7/25/2023 11:10:41 AM EU Green Bond Regulation: new podcast series By Erin McKeown Julia Bhatti The long-awaited EU Green Bond Regulation has recently been published. But what is the regulation all about – who can use the EU green...
7/24/2023 6:31:18 PM Biodiversity loss: Regulatory trends in the UK and EU By Kim Rybarczyk The evidence on global biodiversity loss and its negative impact on ecosystems and economies is now clear. It is not surprising,...
7/21/2023 5:03:53 PM EBA consults on draft templates for collecting data for one-off climate risk scenario analysis By Stephen Clipsham The European Banking Authority (EBA) has launched for consultation draft templates for collecting climate related data from EU banks as...
7/20/2023 4:32:42 PM UK consults on using ISSB sustainability disclosure standards By Sara Feijao The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has published a call for evidence to inform the proposed endorsement of the IFRS Sustainability...
7/19/2023 3:37:21 PM New greenwashing podcast: US perspective By Sara Feijao In the new podcast series - Running the greenwashing gauntlet: exploring the litigation and regulatory risks - members of our...
7/19/2023 4:28:43 AM One step closer to re-launching the China Certified Emission Reduction Scheme By Karen Lam Chris Staples Gilly Hutchinson Wayne Huang +1 more... Show less After a six-year hiatus in the trading of voluntary emission reduction under the China Certified Emission Reduction Scheme (CCER),...
7/14/2023 5:58:20 AM Poland introduces its own green bonds framework By Wojciech Kobylinski Polish Parliament is currently debating the act on amendments of certain acts in connection with ensuring the financial market...