11/13/2024 2:18:24 PM UK: FRC consults on investor stewardship and long-term sustainable value By Wilma Rix On 11 November 2024, the Financial Reporting Council (FRC) launched a consultation on its proposed updates to the UK Stewardship Code. ...
11/4/2024 1:23:00 PM The importance of the UK Transition Plan Taskforce for pension scheme trustees By Jessica Smith The UK Pensions Regulator recently published a blog post emphasising the importance for trustees of improving their understanding of...
10/18/2024 10:51:59 AM Transition Finance Market Review provides blueprint for unlocking transition finance in the UK and globally By Sara Feijao In this blog post and accompanying video, we explore the final recommendations of the Transition Finance Market Review and what it means...
10/3/2024 3:20:06 PM UK: Navigating ESOS Phase 3 By Claudia Harper The UK’s Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) is an energy usage assessment scheme that requires in-scope organisations to audit...
7/11/2024 5:42:33 PM New Labour government: is the UK back in the race to net zero? By Sara Feijao The national election on 4 July 2024 ushered in a new Labour government in a landslide vote after 14 years of a Conservative government. ...
5/7/2024 1:17:23 PM Linklaters ESG Newsletter - May 2024 By Gilly Hutchinson Sara Feijao Julia Voskoboinikova Welcome to the latest edition of the global Linklaters ESG Newsletter. Each issue covers key developments in the UK, EU, US, Asia and...
3/7/2024 11:24:00 AM UK: Investor stewardship and new PLSA guidance for pension funds By Wilma Rix Claire Collier PLSA Stewardship and Voting Guidelines 2024 The UK's Pension and Lifetime Savings Association (PLSA) has published updated Stewardship...
1/18/2024 10:12:56 AM ESG Legal Outlook 2024: key global trends By Rachel Barrett Sara Feijao The Linklaters annual ESG outlook has been published and you can download your copy here. Watch our global head of ESG, Rachel Barrett,...
12/18/2023 4:19:19 PM EU: EIOPA consultation on anti-greenwashing opinion for insurance and pension sectors By Jimi Piggott-Bader Raza Naeem Julia Vergauwen Premlata Fagan +1 more... Show less The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (EIOPA) has published a consultation paper on its proposed approach to tackle...
12/12/2023 4:50:28 PM UK: FCA SDR investment labels and anti-greenwashing policy – what it means for insurance and pension providers By Jimi Piggott-Bader See our more detailed client note on the FCA policy statement here and the anti-greenwashing guidelines consultation here. On 28...
12/5/2023 3:30:57 PM Linklaters ESG Newsletter - December 2023 By Sara Feijao Julia Voskoboinikova Gilly Hutchinson Welcome to the global Linklaters ESG Disputes Bulletin. In this edition, we cover some of the key developments in contentious ESG...
11/17/2023 11:32:06 AM UK TPT consults on sector-specific guidance on climate transition plan disclosures, including for the financial sector By Sara Feijao Kim Rybarczyk The UK Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) published its final recommendations on climate transition plan disclosures, along with...
11/8/2023 4:19:53 AM Linklaters ESG Newsletter - November 2023 By Sara Feijao Julia Voskoboinikova Gilly Hutchinson Welcome to the global Linklaters ESG Newsletter. Each issue covers key developments in the UK, EU, US, Asia, and globally on the full...
10/10/2023 1:08:04 PM Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets publishes Guidelines on Sustainability Claims By Jan-Jouke van der Meer Sustainability is a key supervisory priority for the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the...
8/2/2023 1:04:08 PM UK Court of Appeal confirms derivative action relating to climate change should not proceed By Rebecca Burton Faye Presland Wilma Rix Sara Feijao Lucy Fergusson +2 more... Show less In 2022, the High Court decided that an application for a common law derivative action against the directors of the USS (Universities...
6/7/2023 11:44:24 AM Linklaters ESG Newsletter - June 2023 By Sara Feijao Gilly Hutchinson Julia Voskoboinikova Welcome to the global Linklaters ESG Newsletter. Each issue covers key developments in the UK, EU, US, Asia and globally on the full...