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ESG Legal Outlook 2024: key global trends

The Linklaters annual ESG outlook has been published and you can download your copy here.

Watch our global head of ESG, Rachel Barrett, summarize the key global ESG trends for 2024 in the video above. 

Whilst 2023 was primarily about the frenetic development of ESG regulation across the globe, we anticipate 2024 will be a year where policymakers and regulators will focus more on implementation and enforcement of the new rules. That is not to say there will be no new ESG regulation – there are still plenty of new ESG initiatives in store for the coming year. 2024 is also a big election year, including in the EU, US and UK, which will have a significant impact on ESG policy and regulation going forward. 

To help you navigate the year ahead, our ESG experts take a deep dive into the key global ESG trends set to shape the legal outlook for businesses in 2024, including:

  • Net zero and energy transition - the significant commercial opportunities and challenges
  • Transition plans - translating ambition into action 
  • Disclosure regimes - is interoperability in sight?
  • Supply chain due diligence - a question of “when” not “if”
  • Sustainable finance - continues to evolve at pace
  • Greenwashing and litigation - no reprieve in sight 
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion - navigating a safe legal path in challenging times

We have also produced a series of videos providing an analysis of key regional themes for the UK, EU, Asia and South Africa, available on the ESG Legal Outlook 2024 page.

If you would like to discuss any of these topics in more detail, please contact the Linklaters ESG Team

We will also be hosting a webinar in February where a panel of our ESG experts will discuss the key global trends and their impact on businesses.

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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, biodiversity & nature, bonds, business & human rights, climate change & environment, corporates, dei and employment, disclosure & reporting, energy & infrastructure, eu green deal & fit for 55, general, greenwashing, litigation, net zero, pensions, private equity, sustainable finance, global, thought leadership, trackers & horizon scanning