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EU Tracker 2024: Which ESG proposals have been adopted and which are still outstanding?

NOTE: We update this tracker as when there are new developments. Last updated on 19 February 2025.  

On 6-9 June 2024, EU citizens voted to elect a new European Parliament. The newly elected Members of the European Parliament and EU Member States’ heads of state and government are now in the process of choosing a new Commission, ushering in a new 5-year mandate. 

This means that legislative activity in the EU will slow down considerably from May to November 2024, until a new Commission has been sworn in and the legislative and policy priorities for the next EU mandate are put in place. 

This tracker provides an overview which key ESG legislative files have been approved by the European Parliament (“EP”) and the Council of the EU (“Council”), and which are still outstanding.

In the “State of Play” section below:

  • Formal adoption” refers to the approval of a political agreement reached between the EP and the Council in trilogues. 
  • Where Council adoption is “(tbc)”, that means a relevant Council session has not been scheduled yet.
  • Corrigendum” means Council adoption and publication in the Official Journal of the EU (“OJEU”) is expected to take place between September and November 2024 (under the new mandate).
  • Report” means the approval of an EP Report (i.e. approval of the EP’s negotiating position on a file).  The file will then be considered as “unfinished business” in the new mandate. Once a new EP has been sworn in after the elections, it can decide whether to keep the approved position and start trilogues with the Council, or re-open internal negotiations on the file. The EP will likely decide how to proceed with unfinished business in its October 2024 Plenary. The Council also needs to adopt its own negotiating position (known as a “General Approach”), on the same legislative file before trilogues can commence - so Council adoption in this case is indicated in the tracker as happening within the “next mandate”. The same applies to publication in the OJEU.
  • On hold” means legislative work has not yet begun or is stalled due to political disagreements. 

Please note that dates for Council adoption or publication in the OJEU may change due to political developments.


Carbon Removals Certification Framework Regulation

Corrigendum 22 October (text)

Corrigendum: 19 November (text)

6 December 2024 (text)

Political agreement reached on the first EU-level certification framework for carbon removals

CO2 Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles

Formal adoption: 10 April (text)

Formal adoption: 13 May (text)

6 June (text)



Construction Products Regulation

Formal adoption: 10 April (text

 Formal adoption: 5 November 2024 (press release)

 18 December (text)


Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD / CS3D)

Formal adoption: 24 April 

Formal adoption: 24 May 

5 July (text)

EU: CSDDD published in the Official Journal

Critical Raw Materials Act

Formal adoption: 12 March

Formal adoption: 18 March

3 May (text)

Critical Raw Materials Act came into force


Decarbonised Gas and Hydrogen Directive and Regulation (part of Fit for 55 package)

Formal adoption: 11 April (Regulation text, Directive text)

Formal adoption: 21 May (Regulation text, Directive text)

 15 July
(Regulation text, Directive text)

Decarbonising Gas Markets: EU H2 Regulation and H2 Directive enter into force

Ecodesign for Sustainable Products Regulation 

Formal adoption: 23 April 

Formal adoption: 27 May 

28 June (text)

Navigating the new Ecodesign Regulation: practical implications for companies


Electricity Market Design

Formal adoption: 11 April (text)

Formal adoption: 21 May (text)

26 June (texts of the Regulation and Directive)

The Green Deal Industrial Plan proposals unwrapped

Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition Directive

Formal adoption: 17 January

Formal adoption: 20 February

6 March (text)

The new EU Directive on Empowering Consumers for the Green Transition

Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (part of Fit for 55 package)

Formal adoption: 12 March

Formal adoption: 12 April

8 May (text)

“Fit for 55”: The revamped Energy Performance of Buildings Directive – lion’s teeth or paper tiger?

Energy Taxation Directive (part of Fit for 55 package)

On hold

On hold

On hold


Environmental Crimes Directive

Formal adoption: 27 February

Formal adoption: 26 March

30 April (text)

Environmental Crime Directive: EU introduces new offences and penalties

ESG Ratings and Data Providers Regulation Corrigendum 8 October (text)Corrigendum: 19 November (text)12 December (textEU: ESG Rating Regulation - a game changer?

Forced Labour Regulation

Corrigendum: 22 October (text)

Corrigendum: 19 November (text)

12 December (text)

EU: Parliament gives final approval to forced labour ban

Green Claims Directive

Report: 12 March (text)

General Approach: 17 June (text)



EU Parliament adopts first reading position on the Green Claims Directive

EU: Council adopts negotiating position on the Green Claims Directive

How should companies prepare for the EU’s Green Claims Directive?

Industrial Emissions Directive

Formal adoption: 12 March 

Formal adoption: 12 April


15 July (text)

Revised Industrial Emissions Directive published in the Official Journal of the EU

Methane Emissions Regulation (part of Fit for 55 package)

Formal adoption: 10 April 

Formal adoption: 27 May

 15 July (text)

Official publication of the EU Regulation on the reduction of methane emissions in the energy sector

Microplastics Regulation

Report: 23 April (text)

General Approach: 17 December (text)



Nature Restoration Law

Formal adoption: 27 February (text)

Formal adoption: 17 June 

29 July (text)

 EU: Nature Restoration Law published in the Official Journal of the EU

Net Zero Industry Act

Formal adoption: 25 April (text)

Formal adoption: 27 May (Council text not yet available, see press release)

 28 June (text)

Net Zero Industry Act published in the Official Journal of the EU

Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation

Formal adoption: 24 April (text

Corrigendum: 27 November (text)

Corrigendum: 16 December (text)

22 January 2025 (text)


Platform Work Directive

Formal adoption: 24 April (text)

Corrigendum 17 September 2024: text - see EMPL 2021/0414(COD)

 11 November

EU Platform Work Directive: Council and Parliament agree on rules for gig-economy workers

The Platform Work Directive: Saying goodbye to bogus self-employment and AI bosses?

Review of textile and food aspects of the Waste Framework Regulation

Report: 13 March (text)

General Approach: 17 June (text)

Provisional agreement: 19 February 2025

EU: Commission publishes proposals on food waste, textile waste and soil health

Commission press release on provisional agreement


Right to Repair Directive 

Formal adoption: 23 April 

Formal adoption: 30 May

13 June (text)

The upcoming EU Right to Repair Directive

Right to Repair Directive published in the Official Journal

Soil Monitoring Law

Report: 10 April (text)

General approach: 17 June (text)

Next mandate

EU: Commission publishes proposals on food waste, textile waste and soil health

Waste Shipments Regulation

Formal adoption: 27 February

Formal adoption: 25 March

30 April (text)



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