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EU: ESG Rating Regulation - a game changer?

As the EU's ESG ratings reform package has now been politically agreed, we are organising a webinar on 28 February between 11:00-12:00 GMT to discuss the EU's reforms, as well as the landscape of emerging ESG ratings and data regulation across the globe (including the UK). 

UPDATED: You can find a recording of the webinar here

Linklaters' panel of experts will talk you through the implications of these rules as both a provider and user of ESG ratings, as well as the broad scope of some of these regimes, which have the potential to capture firms (e.g. banks and investment firms) that may not be regarded as traditional ESG ratings or data providers.

Now that a consolidated version of the text of the EU political agreement has been published, we have also written a detailed client note on the EU reform package.  Find it here


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, eu-wide, blog posts