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EU CS3D: Financial Services webinar recording on the transition plan requirement

Carrying on our CS3D webinar series focusing on the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D / CSDDD) as it impacts the financial services.

In this second webinar we focused on the CS3D transition plan obligation in CS3D, and look at how it overlaps with other emerging transition plan obligations around the globe.

View the slides and listen to a recording of this second webinar here.

Do reach out to any of our team if you have more questions on the issues raised in this webinar.

For 2024, this financial services focused series includes:

  • Webinar 1: the CS3D due diligence obligation and the value chain - catch up on this here; and 
  • Webinar 3: how CS3D interacts with other due diligence regimes, both at EU level (e.g. the EU's Deforestation Regulation) and national regimes  - catch up on this here.


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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, business & human rights, climate change & environment, corporates, disclosure & reporting, general, governance & corporate culture, net zero, sustainable finance, transition planning & finance, eu-wide, videos, webinars & events