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SBTi decision on use of carbon offsets to tackle Scope 3 emissions not expected until 2025

On 30 July 2024, the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) published four technical papers as an early step in its revision of the Corporate Net-Zero Standard (see SBTi press release):

The reports highlight studies that suggest that “various types of carbon credits are ineffective in delivering their intended mitigation outcomes” and pointing to “clear risks to corporate use of carbon credits for carbon offsetting”. 

However, the SBTi have made it clear that, although the evidence examined so far reveals some insights, the findings are mixed and further work is needed in the next stage of the process to draw conclusions. 

According to the SBTi’s chief technical officer: “The SBTi believes that direct decarbonisation must remain the priority for climate action and it looks forward to the extensive public consultation on the draft Corporate Net-Zero Standard.” 

A draft of the revised Corporate Net-Zero Standard will be released for public consultation towards the end of Q4 2024. This means we will have to wait until next year to find out the SBTi’s final conclusions on the use of carbon offsets. 


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, carbon trading & offsets, climate change & environment, corporates, net zero, global, blog posts