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Webinar recording: the EU perspective on greenwashing from the ESA's reports

With the UK FCA’s anti-greenwashing rule in its early days, next up we took the opportunity to look at greenwashing from the EU perspective, with the recent publication of the European Supervisory Authorities’ final greenwashing reports (read our short article on these reports here).

Our panel of experts from our financial regulatory, capital markets and litigation teams discussed what these reports tell us about the supervisory and enforcement approach to come, and reflected on what financial services firms can do to be prepared - including recommendations in relation to governance, systems and controls.

In case you missed it, click here for a recording of the webinar and the accompanying slides.

You can also catch up on the UK's anti greenwashing rule here.

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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, bonds, climate change & environment, consumer protection, corporates, disclosure & reporting, general, governance & corporate culture, greenwashing, litigation, sustainable finance, eu-wide, uk, webinars & events