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EU: Clean Industrial Deal Deep Dive: the role of carbon capture, storage, and utilisation in enhancing competitiveness and achieving decarbonisation goals

On 26 February 2025, the European Commission unveiled the Clean Industrial Deal (“CID”), a roadmap for competitiveness and decarbonisation within the EU. 

The CID calls on all Member States and stakeholders to fully engage in reducing energy costs and fostering a genuine Energy Union. It highlights the importance of clean-tech manufacturing and aims to protect the competitiveness of energy-intensive industries amidst high energy costs and unfair global competition, using a technology-neutral approach to leverage all available solutions. 

Reflecting the Draghi report's recommendations for accelerating carbon capture and storage infrastructure, the CID prioritises creating lead markets for clean technologies, including through the Industrial Carbon Management Strategy. This strategy seeks to establish a lead market for captured carbon, enabling emissions offsets for sectors difficult to decarbonise. 

In our latest client briefing, we: 

  • explore the current EU regulatory framework for industrial carbon management, the technologies for capturing, storing, transporting, and utilising CO2 emissions from industrial and energy production, as well as atmospheric CO2 removal;
  • give a brief overview of what is expected in the near future;
  • conclude with some key investment considerations.

For background information on the CID, see our previous blog post.  

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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, corporates, energy & infrastructure, eu green deal & fit for 55, eu-wide, blog posts