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ESG bonds and the arrival of the Gold Standard

In our latest episode of Bond Beats, Linda Taylor, Laura Le Masurier, and Erin McKeown welcome Patricia Gentile, Head of Finance and Insurance at A2A, and Jo Richardson, Managing Director and Head of Research at the Anthropocene Institute to explore the sustainable bond market and the arrival of the first European Green Bond. 

The discussion covers insights from A2A’s groundbreaking European Green Bond transaction, the first using the EU's official label under the EU Green Bond Regulation and examines the Regulation’s broader implications for the market.

This episode of Bond Beats is part of a wider podcast series discussing the hottest topics in debt capital markets right now. These podcasts will provide insights into key developments and challenges as well as picking up the key trends we see in the market. Listen to the full series here.

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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, bonds, corporates, energy & infrastructure, general, sustainable finance, taxonomy, eu-wide, podcasts