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Polish end-of-year gift: draft law transposing the EU Pay Transparency Directive

Poland has become the third EU member state to initiate implementation of the EU Pay Transparency Directive (EUPTD), following Sweden's proposal in May 2024 and Belgium's transposition within the public sector in September 2024. 

On 5 December 2024, a group of Parliament Members submitted a draft law on partial implementation of the EUPTD (Draft Law). Although this is not yet a formal governmental initiative, it may be regarded as the first step towards implementation of the EUPTD. The Draft Law focuses only on the pay transparency provisions and does not cover the gender pay gap reporting obligations. 

We have highlighted key provisions of the Draft Law in our briefing: Poland becomes the third EU member state to initiate implementation of the EUPTD. 

For more information about the EUPTD and how to prepare, please visit our dedicated resources hub

Our clients can also access this transposition tracker, designed to monitor national transposition across Member States. 

To discuss any of the proposals and how we can assist you, please speak to one of the blog post authors or your usual Linklaters contact.

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