Today, 28 November 2024, the Belgian Parliament adopted in plenary meeting a law implementing the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which aims to fundamentally change the approach to sustainability reporting (see Dutch and French texts). The implementation occurred without significant gold plating against the CSRD provisions and provides for additional flexibility with some options of the CSRD being exercised (such as the possibility to omit information relating to impending developments or matters in the course of negotiation).
The law furthermore provides for the necessary powers to adopt amendments to the Royal Decree regarding transparency obligations, which are required to introduce into Belgian law the amendments made by the CSRD to the Transparency Directive.
The law now needs to be published in the Belgian State Gazette after which it officially enters into force. The phased-in application of the CSRD has been included in the legal provisions.
Do not hesitate to reach out for any questions on the transposition and view our CSRD Transposition Tracker to find out the current status of implementation in other EU Member States.