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The CSRD entered into force in Italy

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) aims to fundamentally change the approach to sustainability reporting in the EU. It was due to be transposed into national law in every EU Member State by 6 July 2024. 

On 25 September 2024, the CSRD has finally entered into force in Italy. The transposition of the CSRD in Italy has occurred without significant gold-plating, although several options allowed by the CSRD have been exercised. The sanctions for non-compliance with the sustainability reporting obligations are similar to those provided for non-compliance with the financial reporting. Until 25 September 2026, the administrative fines are capped, unless the relevant violation constitutes a criminal offence. 

Read more on transposition of the CSRD in Italy in our client alert.

View our Transposition Tracker to find out the current status in other EU Member States. For more information on the CSRD, see our CSRD Demystified materials.


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, corporates, disclosure & reporting, governance & corporate culture, italy, blog posts