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EU CSDDD explained: Impacts for non-EU companies and interaction with the German Supply Chain Act

In this podcast series, we explore in bitesize format various aspects of the EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) that businesses need to be aware of.

Listen to our latest episodes here.

  • Episode 9: James Marlow speaks with Liz Raulston and Gilly Hutchinson about the CSDDD’s impact on businesses outside the EU – with a particular focus on the implications for businesses in the US and Asia, as well as the UK's position.
  • Episode 10: Julia Grothaus and Kathrin Bauwens discuss the similarities and differences between the CSDDD and the German Supply Chain Act, as well as any lessons we can draw from the German law for the upcoming CSDDD implementation.

Coming next week: how the CSDDD interacts with the French Duty of Vigilance Law.

To stay on top of the latest on the CSDDD and other ESG developments, sign up to the Sustainable Futures blog by clicking on the "Subscribe" button at the top of the blog homepage.


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, business & human rights, climate change & environment, disclosure & reporting, eu-wide, podcasts