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Linklaters ESG Newsletter - September 2024

Welcome to the global Linklaters ESG Newsletter. Each issue covers key developments in the UK, EU, US, Asia and globally on the full range of ESG topics. 

This issue covers developments from September 2024.

In this edition we cover:

  • Disclosure & Reporting
  • Human Rights & Supply Chain Due Diligence
  • Sustainable Finance
  • Climate Change & Energy
  • Greenwashing & Litigation
  • Biodiversity & Nature
  • Governance
  • Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • ESG & Artificial Intelligence

Please click here to read the September ESG Newsletter.

To sign up for the Linklaters ESG newsletters - including the monthly global ESG newsletter and quarterly ESG Disputes Bulletin - click here


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, biodiversity & nature, business & human rights, climate change & environment, corporates, dei and employment, disclosure & reporting, energy & infrastructure, governance & corporate culture, general, greenwashing, net zero, tech sector, transition planning & finance, eu green deal & fit for 55, renewables, sfdr, sustainable finance, asia, eu-wide, global, uk, usa, newsletters