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New EU member state "Transposition and Goldplating Tracker" for the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

The EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive: tracking transposition and goldplating across the EU (

Why do we need a tracker? 

The CSRD is EU legislation that requires in-scope companies to report on the impact of their activities on the environment and on society, and that also requires the audit (assurance) of that reported information.

We have reported on the CSRD’s torturous journey many times over several years in this blog – you can read the latest on CSRD here – but after much wrangling, the CSRD entered into force in 2023. 

However that was not the end of the story: because it is a directive, it now needs to be transposed into national law in every EU member state. 

The deadline for transposition is 6 July 2024.

Unlike some EU directives, the CSRD is not a “maximum harmonisation directive”. This means member states can extend it – “goldplate” – when they transpose it into national law.

What does the tracker cover?

We have been tracking transposition across many key EU jurisdictions, including whether the jurisdiction intends to goldplate the CSRD, and what such goldplating would amount to. 

Go to our new tracker to get a snapshot of the status of these transposition efforts in EU jurisdictions relevant to your institution. 

Monthly updates, and new jurisdictions added

This tracker will be updated on a monthly basis and for each jurisdiction covered you will see a reference to the date of the last update. We will also add jurisdictions, so please keep looking.

More information on goldplating?

We do have more detailed information on any goldplating. If you would like to find out more about that, please contact any of the authors of this blog post or your usual Linklaters contact.


Finally, we have covered a few jurisdictions where do not have Linklaters offices, and for that we would like to thank our friends:

  • Jan Lehký of Kinstellar for keeping us updated on developments in Bulgaria and Czech Republic;
  • Jill Shaw of A&L Goodbody LLP for keeping us updated on developments in Ireland; and
  • Michael Tsibris of Souriadakis Tsibris for keeping us updated on developments in Greece.


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, climate change & environment, corporates, disclosure & reporting, general, greenwashing, sustainable finance, eu-wide, thought leadership, trackers & horizon scanning