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COP28 reflections: a closer look at the Gulf region

COP28 has undoubtedly brought in to focus the acute challenges and opportunities faced by the Gulf states as they navigate the transition to a lower carbon future. Vanessa Havard-Williams recorded a three-part video series with Luma Saqqaf, CEO of Ajyal Consulting, to discuss some of the key topics surrounding the region's sustainability journey. 

Energy transition in the Middle East and the Gulf region

In this video, Vanessa and Luma discuss the energy transition journey of the Middle East and Gulf regions.


The ESG regulatory landscape in the Gulf region

In this video, Vanessa and Luma explore the Gulf regulatory landscape in relation to sustainability and the interaction with international standards and regulation.


Sustainable finance in the Gulf region

In this video, Vanessa and Luma discuss the potential for sustainable finance and the capital needs in relation to green energy projects in the Gulf region. 


See also our Linklaters COP28 page for further coverage of this year’s conference.



cop28, climate change & environment, energy & infrastructure, net zero, sustainable finance, middle east, videos