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COP28 reflections - Thursday 7 December 2023 - Blue zone rest day

With the first week of COP28 now complete, Vanessa Havard-Williams shares some of her initial reflections. She recaps on why this year’s COP has attracted such high attendance, as well as some of the early wins that have occurred so far, such as operationalising the loss and damage fund, the announcement of ALTÉRRA, new commitments to offer climate-resilient debt clauses and a push to reboot various carbon initiatives. 

Reflecting on those wins, Vanessa notes an increase in energy and more specific engagement in the discussion of the delivery of finance to emerging markets and developing countries, as well as how to blend development finance. She also sees that there is a call for better collaboration and data sharing. 

The Linklaters team is keeping a very close eye on developments and will let clients know what the final outcome of this year’s COP means in practice once the summit has concluded. We are reporting on this year’s summit via our COP28 page.


cop28, global, videos, climate change & environment, net zero