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Mechanism for suggested changes to EU Taxonomy technical screening criteria

On 17 October 2023, the Platform on Sustainable Finance (PSF) and the European Commission launched a “stakeholder request mechanism” in order to consider suggestions from stakeholders regarding activities in the EU Taxonomy. This mechanism allows stakeholders to submit scientific and/or technical-based suggestions for new economic activities that could be added to the EU Taxonomy or for potential revisions of technical screening criteria (TSC) of existing activities.

The PSF will review requests and provide recommendations to the Commission.  After assessing these recommendations, the Commission may decide on possible amendments to the EU Taxonomy. 

The first cut-off date for requests will be 15 December 2023. All requests received by that date will be processed by the PSF’s Technical Working Group in early 2024.


asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, climate change & environment, corporates, sustainable finance, taxonomy, eu-wide, blog posts