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Key developments in corporate governance on the horizon for UK companies and LLPs

We have produced two new briefings to help clients in the UK plan ahead and focus on some of the major legislative and regulatory developments which are set to impact on governance and reporting at UK companies and LLPs over the next few years.

The key developments include:

  • audit and governance reforms, the scope of which is now unclear following a significant change of government policy on 16 October, but which have the potential to affect internal controls, risk management, assurance policies and how companies report on them;
  • the ongoing development of diligence and reporting regimes, which will frame a company's approach to assessing and disclosing climate and wider sustainability risks;
  • for listed companies, the proposed shake-up of the UK listing regime, which will affect the continuing obligations companies will need to comply with, and the drive towards greater efficiency through the digitisation of shares; and 
  • measures to fight economic crime and to make UK corporate structures more transparent, which will mean checking on anti-fraud controls and administrative procedures.

The briefings include a handy summary of what is happening in respect of the UK Sustainability Disclosure Standards, climate transition plan disclosures, and nature-related disclosures

To view the briefings in full, see our Corporate Governance On the Horizon - one for listed companies and one for private companies and LLPs.