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ISSB consults on next priorities and on changes to SASB standards

The International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB) is consulting on its next priorities. It has identified four potential projects:

  • biodiversity, ecosystems and ecosystem services;
  • human capital;
  • human rights; and
  • researching integration in reporting.

Stakeholders are also asked whether information on sustainability-related risks and opportunities differs by specific industries, sectors or geographic locations. Given the size of the potential projects (which would limit the progress that could be made across all four projects in two years), the ISSB is seeking views on the relative priority of its future work. The consultation closes on 1 September 2023

The ISBB is also consulting on a proposed methodology for making changes to the SASB standards to make sure references in those standards are internationally applicable (see press release). That consultation closes on 9 August 2023 and the ISSB is aiming to make the necessary changes before IFRS S1 (the first ISSB sustainability disclosure standard) comes into effect in January 2024. According to the ISSB, the SASB standards are already being applied by over 2,700 companies in more than 70 jurisdictions, including 72% of the S&P Global 1200 Index. The ISSB assumed responsibility for the SASB standards when the Value Reporting Foundation was consolidated into the IFRS Foundation last year. 

The ISSB is on track to issue the first two global sustainability disclosure standards - IFRS S1 covering general requirements and IFRS S2 covering climate - in June 2023. For more information on the ISSB standards, see our previous blog post.

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asset managers & funds, banks & insurers, corporates, disclosure & reporting, global, blog posts, biodiversity & nature