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IFC publishes Green Bond Handbook for debut issuers

The International Finance Corporation (IFC) Green Bond Technical Assistance Program (GB-TAP) have published a Green Bond Handbook: A Step-By-Step Guide to Issuing a Green Bond designed to hold a debut issuer’s hand through the process of issuing its very first Green Bond. 

The current version of the Handbook is drafted with emerging market financial institutions in mind.

The Handbook focusses on green use of proceeds bonds that are aligned with the ICMA Green Bond Principles (GBP) and walks the prospective issuer through the entirety of the process - from initial planning and structuring though to marketing and issuing its debut Green Bond, presenting ideas, strategies and best practice guidance as to how an issuer would go about fulfilling each of the GBP pillars. 

The IFC intend to update the guide periodically so that it can be reflective of market practice innovations and continue to serve as a practical guide for potential issuers.

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sustainable finance, bonds, global, blog posts