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The time is now: Climate Change is here to stay

On 15 February, ShareAction ("a campaigning organisation pushing the global investment system to take responsibility for its impacts on people and planet") published an investor briefing calling for the decarbonisation of the real estate sector and reiterating the importance of meeting net zero by 2050. The briefing notes that global frameworks such as the EU Taxonomy and the UK's Green Homes Grant and the Future Homes Standard are “raising the bar” for companies operating in the sector such that a failure to adhere to these is likely to result in a "significant loss of value" for investors. Undoubtedly, the need to engage with global regulatory requirements being brought into force to tackle the effects of climate change will become ever more pressing.

Energy use in buildings contributes more than 17.5 percent to global greenhouse gas emissions, and their construction is a key driver behind demand for steel and cement, which together are responsible for another 10.2 percent of emissions. Hence, decarbonising the real estate sector is unavoidable in order to reach net zero emission targets by 2050.


climate change and environment