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SEC Commissioner calls for action on systemic risk from climate change, including need for standardized disclosures and possible adviser rules....

SEC Commissioner Allison Lee recently called for an "all-hands on deck effort" to address systemic risks to our economy from climate change.  Among other things, Commissioner Lee described why complete, accurate, and reliable information about such risks are needed by the marketplace and what role the SEC could play in addressing this need.  The speech is definitely worth a read--especially for funds and their advisers because Commissioner Lee discussed the question of what it means for a fund to be marketed as "green," and whether new rules are needed to require policies and procedures for funds and their advisors marketing ESG investments.  Setting aside the question of whether additional regulation is warranted, this is another clear reminder that funds and advisors in this investment space ought to make sure their investment activities match their marketing, and one way to do so is to adopt your own, appropriately tailored policies and procedures.  These would be good to have in case the SEC comes knocking....

So what is our role and our obligation? At the SEC, we protect investors, facilitate capital formation, and maintain fair, orderly and efficient markets. There are numerous ways in which the risks and opportunities arising from climate change intersect with our financial markets and those three pillars of oversight.

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climate change and environment, governance and corp culture, sustainable finance, non-financial corp reporting