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New guidance on the application of the Green Loan Principles to real estate finance

In our latest client briefing, the Linklaters Banking team explains what green loans are, why they are relevant to real estate finance and how the new LMA guidance on the application of the Green Loan Principles to real estate finance works. 

The new LMA guidance comes hot off the hells of the European Commission's buildings Renovation Wave strategy and action plan on how to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the EU by 55% in 2030 so that the EU can become net zero by 2050 - in which buildings (along with the power generation and transport sectors) will play a crucial role.

On 20 October 2020, the Loan Market Association published two new guidance documents on the application of the Green Loan Principles to real estate finance. These focus on investment financing of green buildings and financing the retrofit of existing buildings. The guidance documents are the first sector-specific publications on green loans published by the Loan Market Association. We discuss the new guidance in more detail in our new publication.

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